Tag: Energy Efficiency

Save a Tree and Simplify Your System – Consider Ditching Paper

Want to reduce your administrative headaches while boosting your client satisfaction and, in turn, retention? Going paperless might be for you. From maintaining minutes and managing violations to collecting dues and processing invoice payments, community association managers increasingly are finding their mundane but mandatory tasks are made easier once they shift to a digital way…

Streamline Your Operations: How Managers Can Go Paperless

Want to reduce your administrative headaches while boosting your client satisfaction and, in turn, retention? Going paperless might be for you. From maintaining minutes and managing violations to collecting dues and processing invoice payments, community association managers increasingly are finding their mundane but mandatory tasks are made easier once they shift to a digital way…

Should Your Clients Allow — or Build Their Own — Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?

We’re still far off from the flying cars promised by The Jetsons, but electric cars are a reality and, slowly but surely, gaining popularity. That’s particularly true among the next big generation of community association owners — Millennials. “According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 54 percent of all new car sales will be electric by…

Vehicle Charging Stations: Positives and Negatives

While electric vehicles aren’t seeing a surge in popularity in every part of the country, many community associations are fielding more requests for charging stations than ever. They probably can expect that number to rise over time. “According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 54 percent of all new car sales will be electric by 2040,”…

Owners Have Solar Panel Plans; Do You Know What Your Association Can — and Can’t — Require?

Solar power is making gains in many parts of the country, and more and more community association owners are interested in installing their own panels. Associations traditionally have been resistant to such projects, citing aesthetics and other reasons. We’ll explain how state laws can limit associations’ ability to regulate solar panel usage. Why the surge…

Solar Power in Community Associations: What Can — and Can’t — Associations Do About Owners’ Solar Projects?

Polling shows more people than ever are concerned about climate change — and people have always been concerned about their bottom lines. Whether driven by environmental concerns, financial considerations, or both, owner interest in solar power is on the rise in many communities. And, while neighbors may have aesthetic and other objections, state laws might…

Could Solar Statutes Undermine Your Association’s CC&Rs?

For many homeowners who buy in a planned community, the rules and requirements in the association’s CC&Rs and bylaws keep the neighborhood clean, well maintained, and aesthetically pleasing, so worrying about a neighbor’s unsightly modifications to his home shouldn’t even be on the radar.

Review Governing Documents for Compliance with Solar Statutes

For many homeowners who buy in a planned community, the rules and requirements in the association’s CC&Rs and bylaws keep the neighborhood clean, well maintained, and aesthetically pleasing, so worrying about a neighbor’s unsightly modifications to his home shouldn’t even be on the radar. And that’s one of the main draws of association life: living in a beautiful community.

Set Guidelines for Solar Energy Installation

by Andrea Brescia

Proposed S.F. Law Would Require Solar Panels on Rooftops

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering a proposal that would require all new residential and commercial buildings in the city to have solar panels or gardens on their roofs. And owners of existing buildings would be offered increased incentives to install solar panels on their rooftops where feasible.