
Developer and Housing Authority Can Sue Association to Invalidate Leasing Restriction

Facts: The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) and a community's developer filed a lawsuit against the master association and its board of directors for leasing restrictions the association adopted. The community consists of single-family homes, townhomes, and two-flat condominium buildings.

How to Identify and Handle Board Member Conflicts of Interest

Association boards are filled with people from all walks of life. And although the volunteer position offers no financial compensation, board members have considerable responsibilities. They are basically in charge of running a “business” with all the same attention paid to revenues, expenses, and assets. On top of carrying out the association's administrative duties, board members have to be concerned with exposing themselves to one of the perils of their position—the potential for conflicts of interest.

NRA Helps Shoot Down Association Gun Ban Plan

A community in El Dorado County, Calif., has historically allowed some sport shooting. But when one board member wanted to change that, he started the process to change the governing documents to completely ban the discharge of firearms and air guns and eliminate all target and other shooting throughout the gated equestrian community.

Signed Agreement Released Association and Contractor from Liability

Facts: A member's condominium was substantially damaged by a fire. The governing documents required the member to appoint the association as attorney-in-fact to interact with the insurer regarding the coverage of the fire damage. A contractor was subsequently engaged to perform the necessary repairs. And the association was to oversee the contractor to ensure that the work was completed.

FHA Issues Waiver on Leasing Restrictions

Many associations have struggled with Federal Housing Administration (FHA) restrictions related to rentals within a community. Associations often seek FHA approval so that units for sale, whether through foreclosure or otherwise, may be sold to individuals who have obtained FHA financing.

How to Minimize Liability Risks Associated with Social Media

Social networking is growing at an exponential rate. According to a report by technology and market research firm Forrester Research, 55.6 million U.S. adults visited social networking sites in 2009, double the number of users reported in 2007. As more adults become engaged with social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, property management companies and associations are increasing their presence in an effort to be where their members are. These communities are discovering that Facebook, in particular, is especially adept at conveying information and building community.

Use Licensed Structural Engineer to Assess Concrete Cracks in Condo Building

Concrete cracks. They're a fact of life. Some cracks might not need attention, while others could have serious structural consequences. But how can you tell the difference? Much of the time you can't, and expert advice is required. After the beating your condominium building probably took this winter, you may notice cracks beginning to form in your façade or at other points in your building.

Association Lien Superior to Tax Lien Before Recorded Date

Facts: A member became delinquent on his assessment payments to the condo association starting in November 2008. The member had also failed to pay federal income tax, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assessed his tax obligation on March 17, 2008. The IRS didn't record a notice of federal tax lien until January 2009. And during this time, the member remained delinquent on his association assessments.

City Not Responsible for Condo Roads

The city of Brookfield, Wis., does not have to plow, maintain, or repair the private roads in condominium developments, the 2nd District Court of Appeals found in a recent decision.

Member Liable for Unpaid Dues and Late Fees

Facts: An association filed a small claims action against a member, seeking unpaid dues and late fees. The member filed a counterclaim alleging slander and defamation against two board members. At the hearing, the member admitted that he had not paid dues since 2007, but claimed that the association could not collect, because it was not a legal entity capable of initiating a lawsuit. The member argued that the association is in violation of several provisions of Indiana state law relating to associations.